Special Reports

Does It Still Pay to Pick Organic?

Despite little difference in nutrients, some organic foods may still make sense.

Makeover Your Meals with 13 Healthy Ideas for 2013

Small changes add up-heres how to get started eating smarter.

Is There Such a Thing as a Healthy Snack?

With snacks now adding up to a fourth daily "meal," are you making healthy choices? Heres help for smarter snacking.

What You Need to Know Now About Multivitamins

Making sense of multivitamins cancer-prevention promise, heart-disease disappointment in recent findings.

Healthy Vegetables Are Always in Season

Discover 11 spring and early summer veggies with surprising health benefits.

Drinking Tea Protects Your Head, Heart and Bones

"If theres anything that can confidently be communicated to the public, its the strong association of tea drinking with a lower risk of common chronic diseases, particularly heart disease, and the demonstration of that benefit through clinical trials," says Jeffrey B. Blumberg, PhD, director of Tufts HNRCA Antioxidants Research Laboratory and chair of the Fifth International Scientific Symposium on Tea and Human Health. The symposium, held at the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC, spotlighted new evidence of the health benefits of tea, ranging from preventing osteoporosis to improving digestion. Other new studies have recently linked tea consumption to lower incidence of some cancers and reduced risk of functional disability.

Understanding Food and Medication Interactions

Grapefruit and other foods can be dangerous in combination with common drugs. Heres what you need to know.

How to Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes

…and how to make them stick. The secret? Understanding your habits and the dual drivers of your behavior.

Food and Your Mood New research focuses on how what you eat affects how...

Maybe its not just the sunny climate, dazzling blue sea and bountiful beaches that make people living around the Mediterranean more cheerful. Prior research has shown that the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders is lower in Mediter - ranean countries than in northern Europe. Now a new Spanish study suggests that part of the explanation might be the so-called Mediterranean diet.

Are AGEs in Your Food Aging You? Cook low, slow and moist to reduce...

Could poaching that chicken breast instead of broiling it help reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes? Does how you prepare tonights pot roast really affect your arthritis symptoms or the dangerous complications of diabetes? And can opting for a homemade salad rather than a takeout burger and fries actually protect against the effects of aging?