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Exercise & Mobility

Get Moving to Avoid Frailty

We all lose muscle and strength as we age. Frailty is something more. It can take away your health, your vitality, and your independence....

Physical Activity Helps Fight Depression in Frail Adults

It is said that physical activity can boost mood. An analysis of 10 randomized controlled trails concluded that this observation holds true for frail...

Dance Can Help with Weight Loss and Body Composition

Do you like to move to the music? Dancing may be a good way to lose excess body weight and improve body composition. Researchers...

Let’s Get Moving!

The benefits of physical activity are well-established. Not only can being physically active make you feel and perform better, but it can also reduce...

Even a Little Physical Activity May Lower the Risks of Sedentary Time

If you’ve heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking” you’re already aware that being sedentary has been associated with higher risk of premature...

How to Stick to Those Resolutions!

Research suggests only half of Americans stick to their New Year’s resolutions after one month. According to USA Today, the top three resolutions in...

Activity—of All Kinds—Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

A review article considered 270 randomized controlled trials and concluded that many kinds of physical activity have the potential to lower resting blood pressure....

Dietary Supplements for Sports Performance

Sports supplements come in many shapes and sizes, from tablets and capsules to liquids, powders, and bars. While they promise a lot, the challenging...

Eating a Healthy Diet Associated with Better Sleep

Adhering more closely to dietary guidelines was associated with lower incidence of problems falling asleep and staying asleep for women ages 68 to 73...

Breast Cancer and Diet

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we researched the latest information on diet and other lifestyle activities and breast cancer risk. Breast Cancer...