Home Healthy Heart Hypertension



Associations of Plant-Based Foods with Health Depend on the Level of Processing A plant-based dietary pattern limits or avoids animal products (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and...


Erythritol Associated with More Cardiovascular Events A study found that higher levels of the popular sugar substitute erythritol in blood samples was associated with higher...

Optimizing Sleep

Sleep has a major impact on health. Not getting enough quality sleep is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high...

Loving Your Heart: Cholesterol and You

According to the National Institutes of Health, heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. High...

Ask Tufts Experts: January 2023

Q: What is an elimination diet? Can it be used for weight loss?  A: Alicia Romano, MS, RD, CSNC, a registered dietitian/nutritionist with the Frances...

What’s Your ASCVD Risk?

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), commonly referred to as simply cardiovascular disease or heart disease, is a major cause of illness and death in the...

Newsbites: June 2022

Have High Blood Pressure? Healthy Lifestyle Choices Linked to Lower Risk of Death A study that followed over 14,000 individuals in China with hypertension (high...

Diet Swaps for Lowering Your Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure (or would like to avoid it) you probably already know you should be limiting your intake of foods...

Could a Bit of Chocolate Help Keep Your Heart on Beat?

About one in four adults will develop atrial fibrillation (the most common type of irregular heartbeat) in their lifetime. Thats a big deal because atrial fibrillation increases risk of stroke by five-fold. Atrial fibrillation also increases risk of heart failure and impaired cognition (brain function). A recent study in the journal Heart showed moderate chocolate intake was associated with a 10 to 20% decreased risk of being diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. But, is nibbling on chocolate for prevention too good to be true?

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean-style diet has been drawing continued support in recent years along with a little cautionary advice. Is the Mediterranean diet healthful and safe-or is it elevated by hype?