Warfarin – Definition – Warfarin is a drug that helps prevent blood clots from forming or enlarging in the blood that is prescribed to individuals with certain arrhythmias, prosthetic heart valves, and some heart attack patients. Relevance – Warfarin prevents blood clotting, which means that it causes cuts or abrasions to take longer to stop bleeding; it can cause life-threatening bleeding in some cases and individuals taken warfarin are advised not to take high doses of foods containing vitamin K, such as green leafy vegetables.
Weight-bearing exercise – Definition – Exercise that puts pressure on the bones, thus helping maintain bone density and strength. Relevance – Examples are lifting weights, jumping, brisk walking, hiking, jogging, tennis and dancing. Non-weight-bearing exercise, such as swimming and bicycling, is good for cardiovascular health but is not as beneficial for bones.
Whole grain – Definition -Whole grains are the entire edible kernel of a plant, consisting of the outermost bran, the embryo germ, and the endosperm as the germ’s food supply. Relevance – Whole grains contain all three components of the kernel and are unrefined, meaning that they maintain B vitamins, protein, fiber, antioxidants, minerals and other vitamins that are often lost during processing of refined grains.
World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) – Definition – A not-for-profit organization focused on cancer prevention research related to diet, weight and physical activity. Relevance – The group’s analysis of global research shows that about one-third of the most common cancers are preventable by following a nutritious dietary pattern, maintaining a healthy weight and regular physical activity.