John Hancock Customers!

If you’re interested in enhancing your health by improving your diet, you’ve come to the right place. As a John Hancock customer, you have free access to the Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter, where you will find a wide range of articles that will help you get and stay on the right track. You can start eating better and feeling better today!


Don't Miss This Recipe

Haddock Tacos

In a bowl, combine 2 Tbsp lime juice, vinegar, 2 dashes of salt, jalapeño, 
and 1 Tbsp oil. 1. Place the fish on a rimmed...

From the Experts

Family Friendly Fish

Q: I’ve taken your advice to heart and want my family to eat more fish. Can you suggest a family friendly recipe? A: Judith C....

Choosing Among Different Kinds of Water

Q: How do seltzer, “vitamin water,” and mineral water compare to plain water? A: Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN, executive editor of Tufts Health &...