Pasta and Health
Q: I heard pasta is bad for my health. Is this true?
A: Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN, executive editor of Tufts Health &...
Grass-fed vs Grain-fed Beef
Q: Is there really a difference in the nutritional value of meat from grass-fed and grain-fed cattle?
A: Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN, executive...
Daily Food Choices
Q: Are there any foods we should eat every single day?
A:Diane L. McKay, PhD, an assistant professor at both the Friedman
School of Nutrition...
Getting Enough Iodine When Cutting Salt Intake
Q: How can I be sure I’m getting enough iodine if I’m restricting the salt in my diet?
A: Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN,...
Ultra-pasteurized Milk
Q: The milk I buy says it is ultra-pasteurized. Does that make it an ultraprocessed food?
A: Alice H. Lichtentein, DSc, a professor at the...
Eggs or Egg Whites?
Q: Sometimes I like to cook up a veggie omelet for breakfast or lunch. Should I be using whole eggs, egg whites, those cartons...
Apple Cider Vinegar … Salt vs. Sodium … Ketone Drinks …
Q: Does apple cider vinegar help with blood sugar control?
A: Richard Siegel, MD, co-director of the Diabetes and Lipid Center, answers: “Recently, there has...
Food Choices When Tired
Q: I tend to make less healthful food choices when I’m tired. Is this a real thing, or is it just me?
A: José Ordovás,...
Eating During Chemotherapy
Q: I am undergoing chemotherapy. I have very little appetite, and sometimes just the smell of food makes me nauseous! How can I get...
Late Life Behavior Change
Q: I feel like I’m too old to change my habits. Is it true that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?
A: Judith...