Healthy Mind

Q: What is your opinion of the claim that low-level laser therapy can be...

Answer : Wed be skeptical of any treatment that claims to be good for almost anything that ails you.

Q: Is there anything nutritionally you could recommend that might help someone with bipolar...

Answer : Tammy Scott, PhD, a scientist at Tufts HNRCA Nutrition and Neurocognition Laboratory, cautions against any blanket recommendation for treatment...

Being Bilingual Might Delay Alzheimers

Speaking two languages, researchers report, may help delay the effects of Alzheimers disease. Canadian scientists studied 450 patients, all with similar degrees of impairment from Alzheimers disease

Surprising Findings Challenge Thinking on Salt and Health

In a sure-to-be-controversial new study, Belgian researchers have challenged the conventional wisdom that cutting back on salt reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure and dying from cardiovascular causes

Whole-Diet Changes May Reduce Alzheimers Risk

Previous research has suggested various links between what you eat and your risk of developing dementia that proceeds to Alzheimers disease

More Proof Staying Physically Active Keeps Your Aging Brain Sharp

Two new studies add to the evidence that staying physically active helps protect your brain-and fill in some gaps in that research

7 Surprising Findings About Exercise and Your Health

Even the experts sometimes need a little nudge to get exercising. Miriam E. Nelson, PhD, director of Tufts John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity

Low Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene Accompany Alzheimer’s

Low levels of vitamin C and beta-carotene could be clues to the onset of Alzheimers disease,

Green Tea Protects Brain Cells

A flurry of new studies is raising hope that green tea may someday be a potent weapon in the fight against Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia. Although the studies differ widely in technique, ranging from scan-ning peoples brains to forming Alzheimers plaques in a test tube, all focus on ways polyphenol compounds in green tea affect important areas of the brain.

Car Exhaust Bad for Your Brain

I s traffc pollution clouding your brain? Harvard researchers report that a doubling of exposure to black carbon-a marker for pollution from automotive exhaust-was associated with a 30% greater chance of scoring badly on a standard test for dementia. The poorer results, plus lower scores on a composite of six other tests of cognitive function, were the equivalent of adding almost two years to subjects age. Researchers analyzed data on 680 Boston-area men, average age 71, from the VA Normative Aging Study. The in- vestigators said this was the frst study to link traffc-related air pollution and cognition in older men, and only the second study of such a relationship in older adults. Tiny particles in exhaust, researchers suggested, might lodge in the brain, or could cause cardiovascular damage that in turn affects the brain.