Improving Memory

Q. I keep seeing ads during the nightly news for a supplement containing a...

Q. I keep seeing ads during the nightly news for a supplement containing a protein originally found in jellyfish thats supposed to protect your memory. Could this really work?

New Dietary Approach Against Alzheimers

While both a Mediterranean-style diet and the DASH eating plan are associated with brain benefits, a hybrid dietary pattern that combines the best of both with the latest cognitive research may protect memory and thinking even better. A new study reports that the MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) diet was associated with a slower rate of cognitive decline-equivalent to 7.5 years of younger age. Those with the highest MIND diet scores were 53% less likely to develop Alzheimers disease than those with the lowest scores.

Are You Keeping Your Brain in Shape?

Physical activity helps preserve mobility and motor skills as you age-and not just by keeping your muscles in shape. A new study suggests that activity also maintains mobility by protecting your brain. Even in people with signs of brain aging called white matter hyperintensities (WMH) associated with movement issues, being more active seemed to allow the brain to compensate.

Aerobic Activity Helps Build Bigger Brains

Another study has shown that aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, boosts your brain-actually increasing the size of the hippocampus, a key part of the inner brain involved in forming, storing and processing memory. When compared to an earlier study of cognitively healthy older adults, moreover, the findings suggest that aerobic exercise offers greatest benefits to those who need it most: people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), often a precursor to Alzheimers disease.

Green Tea May Enhance Working Memory

A small clinical trial suggests that green tea could improve the connectivity between parts of the brain involved in tasks of working memory. You might think of working memory as the brains sticky notes, where bits of information are temporarily held for manipulation before forgetting or transferring to long-term memory.

Pick Strawberries to Benefit Your Heart and Brain

With blueberries and more exotic fruits like aai getting so much press, its easy to overlook the health benefits of the good old strawberry.

Pick Berries to Protect Your Aging Brain

Those berries adorning your breakfast cereal or topping your yogurt may be doing more than merely adding fruity flavor to your day

Mediterranean Diet May Protect Brains Small Blood Vessels

Heres more evidence that eating like a Mediterranean may be good for your brain

Eating Right Improves Your Odds of Avoiding Mental Decline

Heres more evidence that eating right is good for your brain-and that a diet low in key nutrients and high in unhealthy fats may actually contribute to cognitive decline with aging. Researchers report that older adults with higher blood levels of the B vitamins, vitamins C, D and E and omega-3s scored better on tests of mental performance and showed healthier brains in MRI scans. But older adults with high levels of trans fats, a sign of an unhealthy diet, scored worse on cognitive tests and had lower brain volume.

Eating Right for Aging Gracefully

Tufts new MyPlate for Older Adults helps you plan your plate-and your life. Last year, the federal government retired its longstanding food pyramid, replacing the familiar icon with a new dietary-guidance symbol