
Whole Grains Improve Lipids in Statin

If youre over age 40, the odds are nearly one in four that youre taking statin medications to improve your cholesterol levels. And if doctors and patients follow prevention guidelines released earlier this year, almost half the over-40 population would be taking the prescription drugs, including almost all men ages 60 to 75. …

FDA Extends Trans Fat Comment Deadline

Look for the next step in the FDAs proposed crackdown on trans fats to come this spring, as the agency extended its comment period on the rule to March 8. Late last year, the FDA proposed revoking the fats status as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), which would lead to a phase-out of trans fats in most food products.

10 Keys to Cardiovascular Health

When the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association released new guidelines for preventing cardiovascular disease in November, the headlines all focused on their controversial recommendations for statin use. Almost lost in the coverage was another set of ACC/AHA recommendations, which looked at diet and physical activity rather than drugs for reducing cardiovascular risk. Whether your physician has prescribed statin medications or not, these Lifestyle Management Guidelines can help protect your heart.

Walking as Good as Running, If You Have Time

Can you get the same health benefits from walking as from running? As long as you walk for a longer time, to expend a comparable amount of energy, a new study says the answer is yes. And those health benefits are significant, whichever form of physical activity you choose, including reduced risks of high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Q: Many of us with high cholesterol have considered taking statin drugs, but are...

Answer : A A 2007 study at Stanford University cast doubt on the claims that garlic is effective in lowering bad LDL cholesterol in adults...

When Snacks Attack

Take charge of whats become Americas fourth daily meal with these strategies for smarter snacking. If you cant seem to succeed in your healthy-eating goals, despite nutritious meal planning, maybe the problem is what you eat between meals-snacks

7 Habits That Really Do Protect Your Heart

Celebrate American Heart Month by taking these simple steps for heart health. Making a number of small gradual changes towards lowering heart disease risk is a good and achievable goal.

Improve An Apple a Day Might Keep Cholesterol Healthier

New reason not to overlook antioxidants in apples health benefits.

Americans Cholesterol Numbers Improving

A new report has good news about Americans cholesterol levels

Hospital Meals Flunk Salt Test

A stay in the hospital could be bad for your blood pressure-and not just because