General Nutrition

What You Need to Know Now About Multivitamins

Making sense of multivitamins cancer-prevention promise, heart-disease disappointment in recent findings.

Healthy Makeover for School Food

Snack cakes, nachos and sugary sodas would be expelled from the nations schools under new regulations proposed by the USDA.

Beverage Additives Safety Debated

PepsiCos announcement of plans to remove brominated vegetable oil (BVO) from Gatorade has cast a spotlight on the controversial beverage additive,

Frozen Fruits and Vegetables at Least as Nutritious as Fresh

Early spring, with its promise of green, can sometimes be the cruelest season at the supermarket for shoppers trying to eat right.

Fast-Food Consumption Dips

The percentage of calories Americans consume from restaurant fast food such as hamburgers and pizza declined slightly in a new government report

More Veggies, Less Meat Good for Your Heart

You dont have to become a vegetarian to protect your heart, but recent results from a large study in the UK suggest that eating more like a vegetarian could help.

High-Dose Vitamin C Pills Could Double Kidney-Stone Risk

Some people assume that, since vitamins from your diet are important for your health, taking even more vitamins in pill form must be even better for you. But thats not necessarily the case.

All-Natural Label OK for Bottled Tea with HFCS

The term natural on food labels, already meaningless

Menu Symbols Help Cut Calories

Combining calorie counts with traffic-light

How to Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes

…and how to make them stick. The secret? Understanding your habits and the dual drivers of your behavior.