Healthy Heart

Cardiac Arrest: What You Need to Know

Every year in the U.S., more than 356,000 people of all ages suffer sudden cardiac arrest at home, at work, or while otherwise going...

Newsbites: April 2022

Less Sodium, More Potassium Associated with a Lower Heart Attack and Stroke Risk A study released at the end of 2021 found that higher intake...
The American Heart Association’s new guidelines are clear about behavior and lifestyle choices that keep your heart healthy.

AHA Releases New Dietary Guidance to Improve Cardiovascular Health

The American Heart Association released their 2021 Dietary Guidance to Improve Cardiovascular Health. The new scientific statement emphasizes the importance of dietary patterns over...

Love Your Heart: Reduce Salt Intake

Chances are you consume too much sodium, which can cause high blood pressure. Putting away the saltshaker is never a bad idea, but the...
Don’t just sit there! Spend more time standing (and moving) to fight diabetes.

More Time Standing May Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk

A study of sedentary adults at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes found that spending more time standing, rather than sitting, may lower...
Dietary changes and regular physical activity may help control even resistant hypertension, but professional guidance may be necessary.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes can Tame Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure

A new study confirms long-standing evidence that dietary and other lifestyle changes are a key solution to high blood pressure—even resistant hypertension (high blood...

“Metabolically Healthy Obesity” May Not Protect Against Heart Disease

If you are obese but all of your “numbers” are good (blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar…), a new study suggests you are still...
High triglycerides usually have no symptoms. Make sure you have your blood tested as part of your regular wellness care.

Manage Triglycerides for a Healthy Heart

A recent nationwide survey found that around 35 percent of men and 25 percent of women in the U.S. have high blood triglyceride levels...
Researchers have demonstrated that whole grain intake is linked to better cardiometabolic health.

Switch from Refined Grains to Whole to Improve Cardiometabolic Health

Greater whole grain consumption is known to be associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease. A recent study by Tufts researchers looked at the...
heart attack

DASH Diet Plus Sodium Reduction Best for Protecting the Heart

The heart can show signs of damage before a heart attack or other heart problem occurs. Scientists can measure things like inflammation, cardiac injury,...