Healthy Heart

Ask Tufts Experts: January 2023

Q: What is an elimination diet? Can it be used for weight loss?  A: Alicia Romano, MS, RD, CSNC, a registered dietitian/nutritionist with the Frances...

Fitting in Fats for Health

Far from just padding our waistlines, fats play important roles in our bodies. Having fat in your diet is important for the absorption of...

You’ve answered questions about oats before, but I’m unclear as to whether instant oats...

Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN, managing editor of Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter, answers: “After the inedible husk is removed from an oat grain,...

Eight Essentials for
Heart Health

For years we were told to “eat well and exercise” to keep our hearts healthy. While these two lifestyle factors are very important to...

For Brain Health, Protect Your Heart

The same factors that raise the risk for heart disease also impact brain disease, including stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias. “Heart disease is...

What’s Your ASCVD Risk?

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), commonly referred to as simply cardiovascular disease or heart disease, is a major cause of illness and death in the...

Cholesterol and Genes

Q: It seems like everybody in my family has high cholesterol. I try to eat well and exercise, but my numbers are still high....

Cholesterol, Explained

It’s likely you’ve been told whether you have “high cholesterol.” Perhaps your healthcare provider has discussed your “LDL” or “HDL” levels with you. You...

Newsbites: June 2022

Have High Blood Pressure? Healthy Lifestyle Choices Linked to Lower Risk of Death A study that followed over 14,000 individuals in China with hypertension (high...

Cardiac Arrest: What You Need to Know

Every year in the U.S., more than 356,000 people of all ages suffer sudden cardiac arrest at home, at work, or while otherwise going...