High-Carbohydrate Diets Connected to Cognitive Risk
Consuming too many carbohydrates could be bad for your brain, according to recent research linking high carbohydrate intake to greater risk of mild cognitive impairment.
Leafy Greens, Poultry Top Foodborne Illness Sources
Leafy greens were to blame for the greatest proportion of foodborne illnesses over a recent 10-year span.
Healthy Makeover for School Food
Snack cakes, nachos and sugary sodas would be expelled from the nations schools under new regulations proposed by the USDA.
Cancer Deaths Keep Dropping
Americans rate of deaths from cancer is down 20% from its peak in 1991, according to a new American Cancer Society report.
Beverage Additives Safety Debated
PepsiCos announcement of plans to remove brominated vegetable oil (BVO) from Gatorade has cast a spotlight on the controversial beverage additive,
Marathon Team Runs for Research
On April 15, the Tufts Marathon Team will once again trek 26 miles, 385 yards from Hopkinton to Boston
Are Beverage Choices Linked to Depression?
Thats the possibility posed by a large new National Institutes of Health study that reports older adults who drink four or more sweetened soft drinks daily were 30% more likely to develop depression.
Drinking Tea Protects Your Head, Heart and Bones
"If theres anything that can confidently be communicated to the public, its the strong association of tea drinking with a lower risk of common chronic diseases, particularly heart disease, and the demonstration of that benefit through clinical trials," says Jeffrey B. Blumberg, PhD, director of Tufts HNRCA Antioxidants Research Laboratory and chair of the Fifth International Scientific Symposium on Tea and Human Health. The symposium, held at the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC, spotlighted new evidence of the health benefits of tea, ranging from preventing osteoporosis to improving digestion. Other new studies have recently linked tea consumption to lower incidence of some cancers and reduced risk of functional disability.
Frozen Fruits and Vegetables at Least as Nutritious as Fresh
Early spring, with its promise of green, can sometimes be the cruelest season at the supermarket for shoppers trying to eat right.
Healthy Diet Fights Infection by Boosting Immune System
Adding fruits and vegetables and other nutrient sources may help keep you from getting sick.