General Nutrition

1 in 3 Low in Vitamin D

One-third of Americans are at risk for vitamin D inadequacy or deficient in vitamin D, according to a new report from the CDC. Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2001-2008 on more than 24,000 people, the report said 24% of adults and children over age 1 were at risk of inadequacy

Global Growth Fuels Emphasis on Whole Grains

If you had any doubt that whole grains are hot, count up the number of products sporting the black-and-gold Whole Grain Stamp. That total recently passed the 5,000 milestone

European Study Finds No Extra Bladder-Cancer Risk for Meat Eaters

In a rare bit of good news for red-meat lovers, a study of nearly a half-million people from 10 European countries has found no link between eating red or processed meat and risk of bladder cancer

Omega-3s Might Help Protect Against Muscle Loss with Aging

A new National Institutes of Health-funded study holds out the first glimmer of hope that high doses of omega-3 fatty acid supplements might counter the degenerative muscle loss that leads to frailty in the elderly

Findings Cast Doubt on Glycemic-Index Appetite Effects

Fad diets have touted using the glycemic index (GI)-a measure of how quickly a food boosts blood sugar-as a magic bullet for targeting weight loss. But science keeps finding that the facts are more complicated

For Obese Seniors, Combine Diet Plus Exercise to Fight Frailty

Combining diet and exercise is the most effective formula for obese seniors who want to improve physical performance, according to a new year-long study. For older people, the findings suggest, losing weight may be just as important for fighting off frailty as for avoiding obesity-related medical conditions

Even Organic Cookies and Chips Enjoy Health Halo

People think organic means healthier and lower in calories-even for processed foods such as cookies and potato chips, a new study reports. Cornell researchers wanted to test the widespread perception that organic foods are healthier

Food-Borne Illnesses Cost Billions

Pathogens in meat and poultry cost the US economy more than any other sources of food-borne illnesses, according to a new study, and the top 10 most damaging pathogens take an annual toll of $8.1 billion

Learning to Love Lentils

Break out beyond beans with our complete guide to these little nutrition standouts. Lentils are the dried seeds of a type of legume. They have long been valued for the healthy vegetable protein they provide, as well as their fiber, folate, iron and potassium content. There are a number of different types of lentils, each with slightly different cooking characteristics, and myriad ways to use them

Do You Need More Vitamin B12?

If youre 50 or older, Uncle Sam says yes. Heres why and how best to get it. When the latest federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans were released earlier this year with the recommendation that people age 50 and older should get extra vitamin B12 through fortified foods or supplements, one expert commented, Its not very difficult to anticipate the sudden spate of fortified with vitamin B12 as recommended in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines messaging that will populate the fronts of boxes and bags. Before the hype hits the grocery stores