No Juice Before Age 1 Says New Advice from Pediatricians


Grandkids or kids at home? Note new advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The group revised its stance from no juice before 6 months old to no juice before one year old. The AAP’s new policy statement in Pediatrics also advises that daily intake of juice be limited for kids one year and older, as follows:

4 ounces ( cup) for ages 1-3

4 to 6 ounces ( to cup) for ages 4-6

8 ounces (1 cup) for ages 7-18

The AAP also advises only buying 100% juice (not fruit drinks with added sugar). And, avoid offering juice in a bottle or sippy cup.

Why the tough stance? Juice could interfere with infants consuming the milk or formula they need. Juice also lacks the fiber of whole fruit, is easily overconsumed, can contribute to weight concerns and increases risk of tooth decay, particularly if sipped throughout the day.

To learn more: Pediatrics, June 2017


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