Healthy Aging

New Clues to Dietary Defenses Against Vision Loss with Aging

Want to protect your eyes against the leading cause of blindness in older Americans? Eat more fish high in omega-3s. Thats the conclusion of a new study of 38,022 participants in the Womens Health Study, linking regular consumption of fish and the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish (DHA and EPA) to reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Eating Right for Aging Gracefully

Tufts new MyPlate for Older Adults helps you plan your plate-and your life. Last year, the federal government retired its longstanding food pyramid, replacing the familiar icon with a new dietary-guidance symbol

Whole-Body Vibration for Bone Health Disappoints

Whole-body vibration (WBV) to combat osteoporosis has been popularized lately

Eating Right Improves Your Odds of Avoiding Mental Decline

Heres more evidence that eating right is good for your brain-and that a diet low in key nutrients and high in unhealthy fats may actually contribute to cognitive decline with aging. Researchers report that older adults with higher blood levels of the B vitamins, vitamins C, D and E and omega-3s scored better on tests of mental performance and showed healthier brains in MRI scans. But older adults with high levels of trans fats, a sign of an unhealthy diet, scored worse on cognitive tests and had lower brain volume.

Its Never Too Late to Eat Right

Study links a healthy diet to longevity among participants averaging 73.5 years old.If you think youre too old to bother eating right, a new analysis of nationwide nutrition

Old Age Doesnt Equal Poor Sleep

Getting older doesnt have to mean sleeping poorly. Researchers who analyzed a survey of 155,877 Americans report that people

Older People Have a Harder Time Staying Asleep

Suffer from insomnia? Heres an eyeopening finding: The real problem

Staying Active and Social Prolongs Life Even After 75

Even well into your golden years, exercise can extend your life-and the greatest benefits come just from getting

Aerobics Best for Fat Loss

If you want to shed fat pounds and gain lean tissue, carry your weights as you hit the road.

Healthy Diet Fights Infection by Boosting Immune System

Adding fruits and vegetables and other nutrient sources may help keep you from getting sick.