General Nutrition

Calcium Supplements Again Linked to Kidney Stones

In more evidence that you can indeed get too much of a good thing-especially in pill form, rather than from food

Extra Omega-3s Shown to Improve Insulin Resistance

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, known to benefit heart health, may also be effective in reducing diabetes risk

USDA Proposes More Prominent Labeling of Meat Additives

Whats in that chicken breast? The USDA wants to make it easier for consumers to find out

Veggies and Fiber Linked to Lower Diverticulitis Risk

Worried about diverticulitis, the painful inflammation of abnormal pouches in your intestines? Eat more like a vegetarian

No Bone or Menopause Benefits from Soy

Women seeking an alternative to hormone-replacement therapy have hoped that soy foods, which contain a plant type of estrogen

Are Probiotics Right for You?

Weighing the evidence on how good for you these good bacteria really are. Though probiotics have only recently passed the 8 million mark in Google hits, these good bacteria

Less Sugar, But Still Lots of Sodas

A new CDC report, in conjunction with Emory University researchers, says US consumption of added sugars has dropped compared to 1999-2000

Stevia Sales Soar

As Americans consume less added sugar, theyre switching to stevia

Tea and Coffee Drinkers Less Prone to Nasal MRSA

Worried about antibiotic-resistant staph infections (MRSA)? Ease your worries-and

Dairy Helps Build Muscle, Shed Belly Fat

Maybe milk really does do a body good. A new study in the Journal of Nutrition reports that a diet high in dairy and protein