Q: Would senior multivitamins contain enough of the AREDS2 nutrients to take instead of a sepa-rate eye formula supplement?


Answer :Probably. Check to see that the vitamin contains all the AREDS suggested vitamins: vitamins C, E, lutein, zinc. The amounts used in the study were 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 IU of vitamin E, 10 milligrams lutein and 80 mil-ligrams of zinc as zinc oxide.

Clarification: An eagle-eyed reader pointed out that our July 2013 article on kale overstated con-cerns about oxalates (which may interfere with calcium absorption) in this nutritious leafy green. According to the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory, 100 grams of kale contain only 0.02 grams of oxalic acid, compared to 0.97 grams in an equiva-lent amount of spinach. So go ahead, enjoy your kale and calcium-rich foods at the same meal.


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