Answer :Scientists believe that eating lutein, a nutrient found in green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli, may help prevent eyesight deterioration. It is believed that lutein protects against cataracts and agerelated macular degeneration (AMD), both of which cause loss of vision. According to Allen Taylor, PhD, director of the Laboratory for Nutrition and Vision Research at Tufts Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, the lutein content of spinach is not damaged in the canning process. So, yes, canned spinach will be as beneficial for vision as fresh spinach.
Although leafy greens-spinach, kale, chard, turnip and mustard greens, collards, chicory, cress, radicchio, parsley and even dandelion greens-are by far the best sources of lutein, you can also add lutein to your diet by eating peas, summer squash, leeks and pasta made with spinach.