Low-Fat Cakes in the Lab


    Cake may someday be on the menu again for people watching fat and calories, thanks to new research at the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR) in Peoria, Ill. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists there are formulating low-fat cake mixes and frostings with Fantesk-microdroplets of trans-fat-free cooking oil, encapsulated in cornstarch or wheat flour. Fantesk was developed in the 1990s by NCAUR chemists, but has not been widely applied commercially. Experiments have shown that, when making a cake with a mix that contains Fantesk, cooking oil doesnt have to be added; the mixes produce low-fat cakes that have better texture and a higher volume. Frostings made with Fantesk have the smooth texture and spreadability of buttercream favorites, yet contain up to 50% less fat.


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