Food Manufacturers Asked to Voluntarily Lower Sodium to Improve Public Health


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released voluntary sodium reduction goals for the food industry. According to the FDA, “this guidance is intended to provide measurable voluntary short-term (2.5-year) goals for sodium content in commercially processed, packaged, and prepared foods to reduce excess population sodium intake, while recognizing and supporting the important roles sodium plays in food technology and food safety.”

Nearly half of adults in the U.S. have hypertension (high blood pressure), a condition that greatly increases risk for heart attack and stroke. High sodium intake increases blood pressure and risk of hypertension.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 recommend people 14 and older limit sodium to 2,300 milligrams a day (mg/day). The average sodium intake in the U.S. is considerably higher—about 3,400 mg/day. More than 70 percent of this comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals.

If the food industry complies with these voluntary guidelines, the resulting decrease in sodium intake is expected to promote improvements in public health.


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