Vitamins & Supplements

Q. Does taking omega-3 fish oil help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer?

Q. Does taking omega-3 fish oil help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer?

Protein Supplements May Not Help Older Adults Build Muscle

A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that consuming protein supplements did not help active older men build more muscle or gain more strength than resistance exercise training alone. Forty-one men with an average age of 70 completed whole-body resistance training three times a week for 12 weeks. Half the group drank a supplement containing 21 grams of protein after exercise and every night before bed. The other half drank a beverage with the same number of calories but no protein. At the end of the study period, while both groups were able to lift more weight and tests showed increased muscle mass, the protein group did not improve any more than the placebo group.

Omega-3s May Protect Older Adults Heart Health

A study led by a Tufts researcher has found an association between levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the blood over time and healthy aging.

Q. Ive been hearing a lot about the health benefits of turmeric, but also...

Ive been hearing a lot about the health benefits of turmeric, but also about potential side effects. What does the science say?

Vitamin D Alone Does Not Help Muscles

It has been suggested that taking vitamin D supplements could help preserve muscle strength and functionality in older adults, but a new study concluded that supplementation alone had no impact on either muscle strength or physical performance.

Supplements and Older Adults

A recent study, published in The Journal of Nutrition, looked at nutrient and herbal supplement use in U.S. adults. The study surveyed over 3,400 people ages 60 and older between 2011 and 2014. About 70 percent of respondents reported using at least one dietary supplement over the previous 30 days, says study co-author Johanna Dwyer, DSc, RD, senior nutrition scientist with the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health and director of the Frances Stern Nutrition Center at Tufts University. Older Americans may want to rethink this practice, however, since a growing number of studies have found that supplements may not have the intended health benefits. Additionally, more information is needed on potential interactions between supplements and prescription drugs.

Studies Suggest Fish Oil Supplements Do Not Benefit Heart or Eyes

A growing number of Americans are turning to fish oil supplements to improve or prolong their health, but recent studies indicate these golden capsules may not be all that beneficial.

Fatigue in Older Adults? It’s Probably Not Low Iron

Decades ago, TV commercials for Geritol cautioned viewers about iron-poor, tired blood, helping to create a misconception that if you feel worn-out and fatigued, you could reverse it by taking an iron supplement.

The Latest on Calcium and Vitamin D for Bone Health

A federal advisory panel, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), has released updated recommendations on calcium and vitamin D supplementation for bone health.

Q Ive seen ads online for appetite-suppressing supplements. What are these? Do they work?

Q Ive seen ads online for appetite-suppressing supplements. What are these? Do they work?