Exercise & Mobility

Secrets of Keeping Off the Weight You Lose

Despite the talk of yo-yo dieting, it is possible to lose weight and keep most of it off

Suffering from Low Back Pain? Maybe You Should Try Yoga

Two new studies offer a glimmer of hope for sufferers of chronic low back pain, from an unexpected source-yoga

Fitter Men Live Longer

It really does pay to be fit, with the dividend being extra years of life

Snow Shoveling Really Can Cause Heart Attacks

Take it easy out there as winter wraps up

7 Surprising Findings About Exercise and Your Health

Even the experts sometimes need a little nudge to get exercising. Miriam E. Nelson, PhD, director of Tufts John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity

Doctors Own Weight Affects Treatment of Overweight Patients

Is your doctor overweight? The answer may make a difference to your own weight issues

7 Keys Against Heart Disease

People who met more of seven recommended cardiovascular health factors were less likely to die of all causes and

Theory vs. Practice: What Works for Weight Loss

If youve been following what experts have been saying about weight loss lately, you might be tempted to just throw up

Weight Lifting Could Pump Up Your Brain

Pumping iron might be good for your aging brain as well as your muscles, according to a new study of older

Higher Doses of Vitamin D Required to Protect Your Bones

A new meta-analysis by researchers at Tufts, the University of Zurich and other institutions may help explain seemingly contradictory recent recommendations by experts from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) about vitamin D for bone health.