Todays Newsbites

NYC Trans Fat Ban Is Working

New York Citys ban on trans fats in restaurant chains, enacted in 2006

FDA OKs Boosting Bread Vitamin D with Yeast

Soon you may be getting more of your daily vitamin D from bread

McDonalds Posts Calorie Counts

Not waiting for federal regulations that would require chain restaurants to

Spin Common in Study Coverage

Putting an overly positive spin on study results starts with the summary of

Big Apple Bans Big Sodas

New York Citys Board of Health passed the controversial ban on supersized

Cilantro Aversion Is Genetic

Cant stand the taste of cilantro, that increasingly popular herb found in

Vitamin D Cant Stop the Common Cold

Dont count on vitamin D to protect you from the sniffles. New Zealand researchers report

Ginkgo Again Fails to Make a Difference vs. Dementia

Yet another trial has failed to find significant memory-protecting benefits from ginkgo biloba, leading an accompanying editorial

Almost Half of Obese Are Nonetheless “Metabolically Healthy”

Is it possible to be fat but still fit? The largest study ever to examine the "obesity paradox"- analyzing data on more than 43,000

Sedentary Jobs Spread Worldwide

The US isnt alone in becoming a nation of chair jockeys: Other countries are growing more sedentary, too, especially at work.