Healthy Mind

Preventing a Stroke

Stroke is the fifth highest cause of death in the U.S. and a major cause of disability. Fortunately, there are steps you can take...

The Truth about “Brain-Boosting” Supplements

More than 25 percent of Americans ages 50 to 73 and 36 percent of those age 74 and over take supplements for brain health....

I Hereby Resolve…

It’s that time again! A fresh new year full of promise—and promises. For many of us, January is a time for resolutions (and the...

Want to Change Behavior? Believe in Yourself!

You hear it all the time: shift your eating habits; move more; make this or that other healthy lifestyle change. By reading publications like...

Newsbites: June 2022

Have High Blood Pressure? Healthy Lifestyle Choices Linked to Lower Risk of Death A study that followed over 14,000 individuals in China with hypertension (high...

Is it Dementia, or Aging?

When are lapses in memory a cause for concern, and when are they simply a frustrating inconvenience? If you have noticed changes in the...
The heart and the brain are connected. Keeping your cardiovascular system healthy is good for your brain.

Lifestyle and Dementia: What You Can Do

While life-altering cognitive decline is not always a part of aging, one in three people is likely to have some form of dementia by...
This ancient practice may help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. There is likely a style of meditation to suit your lifestyle and needs.

Meditation: Yes, it Can Work for You

Meditation is a way to calm and focus the mind. Research suggests various kinds of meditation may help relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep...
Consuming foods like fish, plant oils, and nuts rich in certain fatty acids and other nutrients may help protect your brain from damaging iron accumulation.

Dietary Intake May Help Protect your Brain

Results of a recently-published study suggest what we eat may help protect our brains from iron accumulation and associated cognitive decline. Researchers assessed the nutrient...
Eating fruits and vegetables may help support brain health.

Eating Your Fruits and Veggies is Linked to Preserved Cognitive Health

A study that followed over 77,000 U.S. women and men for 20 to 22 years found higher intake of dietary flavonoids from foods was...