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Ask Tufts Experts: June 2023

Climate Change Impacting Coffee . . . Diet and Gout Q: I was interested to learn about the negative environmental impact of food waste (February...

NAFLD: Could You Have this Common Liver Disease?

About 24 percent of U.S. adults have a liver condition that can negatively impact their health, and most don’t even know it. Fortunately, it...
Good nutrition can help prevent and treat some conditions associated with the worst COVID-19 outcomes.


Healthy Pre-Infection Lifestyle Associated with Lower Risk of “Long COVID” The COVID-19 virus is here to stay. While new vaccines and treatments have cut the...

Preventing a Stroke

Stroke is the fifth highest cause of death in the U.S. and a major cause of disability. Fortunately, there are steps you can take...

Ask the Tufts Experts May 2023: Purposeful weight gain

Q: Following a recent illness, I need to gain weight. How can I do that in a healthy way? A: Jillian Reece, RD, a...

The Health Benefits of Strength Training

While aerobic activities like walking, jogging, gardening, swimming, and playing tennis or pickleball are an important part of a healthy lifestyle, there are many...

Optimizing Sleep

Sleep has a major impact on health. Not getting enough quality sleep is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high...

Obesity is a Disease: Why it Happens, and Why it Matters

There has been a pervasive idea in society that obesity is a sign of personal failure—that it is caused exclusively by lack of willpower,...

Tummy Trouble: 
When to Seek Help

We’ve all had stomachaches, and most of us have experienced gastrointestinal symptoms like gassiness and bloating, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea at some time. When...

Popular Diet Patterns Found to be of Variable Nutritional Quality

Dietary patterns that restrict specific foods, macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats), or eating time are popular weight loss strategies in the U.S. and elsewhere. Researchers...